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Catalog of Data Sources

OrganizationStudyPIDisease AreaDate SubmittedActiveContact
CDC[DEMO] Autism Prevalence StudyVariousAutism2024-06-01YCDC Information cdcinfo@cdc.gov
CLIRINX Research[DEMO] Comprehensive Phenotypic Characterization of Epilepsy: Insights from a Large-Scale Population StudyJane Doe, MDEpilepsy2024-06-01YJane Doe, MD
CLIRINX Research[DEMO] Phenotypic Spectrum of Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Population-Based StudyHarvey Norman, MDEpilepsy2024-06-13YGerry Nesbitt

Recent News

Jul 1, 2024 The RDDR is now live. https://theRDDR.org

Apr 24, 2024 CLIRINX launches RDDR